Upholding Law & Order and Justice

As a former barrister, Michael has always had a keen interest in Justice and the law. As Mis Majesty’s Solicitor General, he was a key part of our Justice System.

As a former barrister, Justice is an issue in which I have always had a keen interest.  I work closely with Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick, and I am pleased with the work that is being done both locally and nationally to keep our communities safe.

As HM Solicitor General, I worked alongside the Attorney General. Our Department provided superintendence to the Government Legal Department, the Crown Prosecution Service, HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and the Serious Fraud Office. I reviewed hundreds of Unduly Lenient Sentences, and recommended they be referred back to the Court of Appeal for increasing. 


Michael writes for The Times about Domestic Violence

Michael has written for The Times about the importance of collaboration when tacking domestic abuse, and how the role of independent domestic abuse advisers is vital in helping perpetrators be brought to justice: "Home is expected to be a safe-haven — but for families living with domestic abuse tha

Michael Called to the Northern Ireland Bar

In his role as Solicitor General for England and Wales, Michael has the same rights of audience as members of the Bar of Northern Ireland when in Northern Ireland, but since the creation of the office (2010) the Law Officers (Attorney General and Solicitor General) have been ceremonially called to t