Dinner at Bulbury Woods Golf Club 5th April 2013 Dinner at Bulbury Woods Golf Club I am speaking at the Wareham and Sandford Branch dinner at Bulbury Woods Golf Club. All are welcome and please do let me know if you would like to come along.
Pub and Policy 1st April 2013 Pub and Policy event with Mid Dorset and North Poole Conservative Future. For more details please contact me or Zoe White.
Campaigning in Bere Regis 12th March 2013 Campaigning in Bere Regis with Michael Tomlinson and our candidate Cllr Peter Wharf
Great Santa Fun Run 16th December 2012 11.00 Once again Michael and a team of younger Conservatives are taking on the challenge of donning a santa suit and running around the Badbury Rings point-to-point course. Michael is determined to do better than last year. They are raising money for the local Royal British Legion and Citizens' Advice Bureau. Please do get in touch if you would like to sponsor us!
Trigon 1st December 2012 10.30am Join Michael and the Wareham branch for the beginning of the Christmas season with coffee and mince pies at the wonderful location of Trigon, Wareham.
Beetle Drive in Wareham 14th November 2012 7pm The Second Beetle Drive in Wareham. Join Frances and me at the Con Club!
Fish and Chip Quiz, Broadstone 9th November 2012 19.30 Michael is to address the Broadstone branch and give an update on current events in the Constituency and Dorset.
CPF - Immigration 31st October 2012 7.30pm Michael has invited a local expert to the Conservative Policy Forum discussion on Immigration at the Cock & Bottle.
St George's Day Dinner 23rd April 2012 Michael introduces guest speaker Roger Pratt and compares him to St George.
Core Mullen Litter Pick 10th September 2011 Michael Tomlinson joins Councillors Sarah Burns and Patrick Edwards and local volunteers Zoe and Stuart picking up litter in Corfe Mullen.
Conservative Policy Forum 15th June 2011 Michael Tomlinson re-launched the Conservative Policy Forum in Mid Dorset and North Poole. The first meeting was held at the Broadstone Conservative Club on Wednesday 15th June 2011. The discussion was on housing and a range of ideas was submitted to Grant Shapps MP, Minister of State for Housing.
Raising money by jumping off the Water Tower, Canford Heath 8th November 2009 Michael Tomlinson, Nick King and members of Conservative Future abseil from the Water Tower in Canford Heath raising money for a severely disabled local lad to help towards the cost of his respite care.