After meeting with the local police and PCSOs in Canford Heath recently, Michael Tomlinson, Prospective MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, was very interested to discover for himself how the Safer Neighbourhood Team are tackling the problems facing our area.
Michael learnt that while crime is falling over the region as a whole, there are various “hot spots” and it is these areas that the police are targeting.
Michael explains, “The police gave very clear guidance about what to do in the event of a local incident of minor importance. Some people feel the incident is too small to worry the police about. Others feel the police are too stretched anyway and won’t be able to help.
“After meeting with the local police, it is clear that they really do want to know about incidents that happen in and around Canford Heath. It may not seem much at the time but many small incidents can help to build up a picture and the police are keen to intervene and target these areas, before the situation escalates.”
Michael, a practicing barrister, gives this advice for anyone with information about anti social behaviour or any other illegal activity in their area: “For anything non-essential, call the police hotline number 101, or go onto the Dorset Police website. Canford Heath Safer Neighbourhood Team has its own webpage: http://dorset.police.uk/default.aspx?page=833 Needless to say, if a crime is in progress or life is in danger, please dial 999.”