News from Westminster
One of the challenges of writing this column each month, is that (rightly) the deadline is several weeks before publication. As the saying goes “a week is a long time in politics”. Already this week we have had the King’s speech, laying out the program for the new Parliamentary term, and a reshuffle – where the Prime Minister changed his top team in Government. I was very pleased to be asked to continue in my current role as HM Solicitor General, which includes supporting and advising the Government on legal issues amongst other things. If you want to know more about that work, you can sign up on my website for my email newsletter. I send this roughly once a month, and it has details of my work here in Dorset and Poole, and also my Parliamentary work in London.
There are many conflicts in the world at the moment, not least in the Middle East and specifically Israel and Gaza. These are situations that are fast moving and change daily. You can find my thoughts on the situation on my website.
Closer to home, I recently attended several Acts of Remembrance across the constituency. I would like to extend my thanks to the Royal British Legion, and all volunteers and organisers of these events for their hard work. Supporting veterans is a key pledge of the Government, and the Veterans Minister is calling for UK veterans and their families to share their views and experiences in a consultation to help shape the future of veteran policies. The consultation covers a wide range of policy areas - focussing on subjects such as employment, housing, finance, public perception, and recognition of veterans. You can find it here and it is open until January.
There is a dedicated section on my website with links to support for our veterans, alongside information about help with the cost of living. On that subject, I’m delighted that inflation is falling – and is now below 5%, which means that things will cost less, and you will keep more of your salary each month.
As we look towards Christmas, I will be publicising local Christmas events on my social media channels again this year. If you're hosting an event or service that you would like me to publicise, please do email me – or invite me along. I’ll come if I can! Christmas is a good time for being with families and celebrating, and I hope this Christmas you and your families and loved ones get the chance to spend some quality time together. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Christmas and peaceful new year.
I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if there is something you need help with. Email me on [email protected] or contact my office on 01202 624216. You can also follow what I’ve been doing on Twitter @Michael4mdnp or Facebook or on my website
Michael Tomlinson MP