As a keen cricketer and sportsman, Michael was delighted to visit Colehill Cricket club, to chat to some of the team and the committee. They discussed the recent challenges for the club around enthusiastic cricketers hitting sixes, and the resulting repercussions for insurance.
Michael was pleased to hear that recent publicity had resulted in significant funds being raised to install nettings, which should ensure that cricketers of all ages will be able to continue playing in Colehill, whilst also alleviating concerns of local residents.
Michael will continue to support the club as they navigate the next steps needed.
Michael said
Whilst hitting a six is always a great moment for a cricketer, I know that local residents have raised concerns, which has raised challenges. I'm delighted that enough money has been raised to address these issues, and I will continue to support the club in any way I can to make sure that everyone can enjoy playing and watching sport in Colehill.