Water Bills are also rising, and there are ways to get help if you are struggling with the cost of your water.
Contact the water company
The best way to get help is to contact your water company. While this may seem daunting, it is an important first step. Companies have a wide range of schemes and tariffs which could help reduce bills, relieve payment pressure or help with debt.
You can find out which company supplies your water and wastewater services on Water UK's website. For most people in Dorset this will be Wessex Water, and you can find out about their support here https://www.wessexwater.co.uk/
Consider a free water meter
A water meter means you only pay for the water you use, rather than paying a fixed price. If you don't have many people living in your house, or you are a single occupant, or low water users, this may help you to save money. To arrange this, or to discuss what impact this might have on bills, you should speak to your water company. This water meter calculator can help you to decide whether to change to metered water.
Support is available from water companies and organisations outside of the water sector and there is also help available from the Consumer Council for Water (CCW).
CCW is the main consumer body for the water sector and may be able to help when you have problems with your water bills. The best way to contact CCW is via their website. However, you can also call: 0300 034 2222.